Greece Will Be on the Moon By 2022, Greek Space Agency’s Chairman Confirms

Christodoulos Protopappás, the Chairman of the Hellenic (Greek) Space Agency (ELDO) said on Friday that a Greek lunar vehicle will be on the moon by 2022.

Speaking with the state-run Praktoreio radio station, Protopappás said that the creation of the Greek lunar vehicle will start very soon, following the agreement of cooperation with the United States’ National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

ELDO recently signed an agreement with NASA to participate in the latter’s ”GATEWAY” project to explore the moon.

According to the agreement, Greek scientists will develop the vehicle by 2022, and the mission will take place during that year.

The Hellenic Space Agency is one of the 24 space agencies and organizations that will take part in NASA’s project, being, at the same time, an important member of the European Space Agency (ESA).

If successful, Greece’s ”Hellas to the Moon” initiative for 2022 will put the country in the list of very few countries that have sent exploratory vehicles to space.


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